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 Texas Law requires that anyone 15 - 17 years of age who desires a drivers license must take a "46 Hour Driver Educational Course", which includes 32 hours of class, 14 hours of behind the wheel training along, with 30 additional hours driving that must be logged by the parent or other qualified instructor.

At Lifesaver Driving School, our initial classroom training involves establishing that a driver’s license is a true privilege. We teach that operating a motor vehicle involves potential life-altering decisions each second that elapses. We believe that this is the most important course that can influence a young person’s future, as well as the biggest responsibility they will have undertaken to date.

State-Certified Driver Education Program

Online Teen Course Login


Complete Teen
Driver Education Program


32 hours of classroom instruction can be completed by one of two ways:
        1. Traditional classroom setting
        2. Over the internet on most devices


**The required 14 hours of behind-the-wheel training requirements must be completed at Lifesaver Driving School by scheduled appointments.

Topics Covered in Class Include:


  • Pro-active, Defensive Driving Skills

  • Seat Belts and Airbag Safety

  • Emergency Evasive Maneuvers

  • Drug and Alcohol Awareness

  • State Specific Rules and Regulations

  • (32) Hours of Classroom Study

  • Texas Drivers Handbook

"A collision has the potential to take away all that we value most in life: Family, Health, Time and Money"

Invest in Your Future and Enroll Today!

Caught on Tape: Teens on phone minutes before a crash

Parallel Parking Made Easy

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